International Awards
The Fuchs Memorial Award is the premier international prize in aerosol science and is sponsored by AAAR, GAeF and JAAST. Presented every four years at the International Aerosol Conference, the award memorializes Nikolai Albertovich Fuchs, the great Russian scientist who is regarded by many as the “father of aerosol science.” The award recognizes outstanding worldwide contributions to the field of aerosol research.
The Fissan-Pui-TSI Award is granted by the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) to recognize international collaboration in the field of aerosol science and technology between researchers/engineers residing on at least two different continents.
The International Aerosol Fellow Award is presented by the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA), of which AAAR is a founding member. The biennial award recognizes outstanding contributions to aerosol science and technology through research, technical development, education, and/or service.
Call for Nominations for the
International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP)
The international Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP) is one of the Commissions in IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences) of the IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) under the non-governmental ISC (International Science Council) family. iCACGP facilitates atmospheric chemistry research that contributes to solving the societal issues of air quality, human/ecosystem health, food production and water quality. This is achieved through an enhanced understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that control atmospheric composition, surface fluxes and the development of improved predictive capabilities.
Purpose of the prize
The "Paul J. Crutzen Award for Early Career Scientists of the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution" is granted for an outstanding research contribution in atmospheric sciences by an early career scientist. The purpose of the award is to promote scientific innovation in atmospheric sciences for the protection of the environment.
The person nominated for the Award should be the first author of at least one cited paper with significant innovation and impact. An early career scientist is defined for this award as a researcher within 7 years of completing a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. If parental leave falls into this period, up to one year may be added per child where appropriate. The nominee should meet the above criteria by the first of June of the year when the award is competed.
Nomination Procedure
A complete nomination packages must be e-mailed in one e-mail to the two following e-mail addresses:; under the subject heading: ‘Nomination for the iCACGP Paul J. Crutzen Award 2024’
The nomination package (in English) should include:
- a nomination letter (max one page);
- at least two endorsement letters (and not more than four) describing the impact and innovation of the paper and the exceptional achievements of the candidate (max one page each), the letters must clearly state the affiliation, address and scientific qualifications of the nominator;
- one page of scientific achievements of the candidate in which the key paper(s) of the candidate are cited;
- a brief curriculum vitae of the candidate (max two pages);
- a full publication list marking the papers for which the candidate is corresponding author and those that are without his/her degree advisor;
- an electronic copy of one or more key scientific paper(s) in pdf format.
To be eligible, the nomination must be complete and legible. Self-nominations will not be considered.
The winner is expected to attend the next scientific meeting of iCACGP in person, which for 2024 will be the joint iCACGP -IGAC Symposium, taking place at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), from September 8th to 13th September (
Candidates, who have previously won the Paul J. Crutzen Award for Early Career Scientists, are no longer eligible to be nominated. The Award Committee may decline to give the Award if none of the nominations submitted is of a sufficiently high scientific standard.
The deadline for submission of the full nomination package is June 21, 2024. The decision will be announced mid July 2024.
The Prize
The Award consists of a certificate, accompanied by a prize that will cover registration fees, airfare (economy class) and lodging fee of the winner to attend the joint Symposium. The award will be presented at the conference.
The Award Committee
A ranking of the candidates will be made by the Award Committee, which consists of two iCACGP commission members and the President of the Commission.
The assessors will judge and rank the nominations submitted for the Award, according to their Innovation and Impact.
The final selection will be made by the Commission. Information on previous awardees can be found on the iCACGP website.