Aerosol Science and Technology: History and Reviews

Edited by David S. Ensor, copyright RTI Press (2011)
Table of Contents:
Part I. Biographies
- Othmar Preining: An Austrian Pioneer of Modern Aerosol Research (1927-2007) - Helmuth Horvath
- Sheldon K. Friedlander: Aerosols' Man for All Seasons (1927-2007) - George M. Hidy
- Uncle Sasha: Alexandr Georgievich Sutugin (1940-1988) - Alexey A. Lushnikov
- John A. McClelland: The Scientific Work and Legacy of a Physics Pioneer (1870-1920) - Thomas C. O'Connor
Part II. Research Institutions
- Exploring Inhaled Particles and Human Health at the New York University Institute of Environmental Medicine - Beverly S. Cohen
- The Clean Air Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: A Historical Sketch - Helmuth Horvath and Othmar Preining
- Aerosol Research at the University of Minnesota Particle Technology Laboratory - Benjamin Y. H. Liu, Virgil A. Marple, Peter H. McMurry, Thomas H. Kuehn, and David Y. H. Pui
Part III. The Legacy of the Pasadena Smog Experiment
- Reminiscences about Pasadena, ACHEX, and Beyond - George M. Hidy
- Memories and Legacy of the ACHEX Mobile Semitrailer Air Pollution Laboratory - Gilmore J. Sem, William E. Clark, George M. Sverdrup, and Virgil A. Marple
- Measurements of the Three-Dimensional and Transport of Aerosols: Precedents Set by the Three-Dimensional Pollutant Gradient Study in Cooperation with ACHEX - Donald L. Blumenthal
Part IV. Military Applications and Nuclear Aerosols
- Aerosol Wars: A Short History of Defensive and Offensive Military Applications, Advances, and Challenges - Arthur K. Stuempfle
- Chernobyl: Observations in Finland and Sweden - Jussi Paatero, Kaarle Hämeri, Matti Jantunen, Pertti Hari, Christer Persson, Markku Kulmala, Rolf Mattsson, Hans-Christen Hansson, and Taisto Raunemaa
- The Development of FIDO (Fog Intensive Dispersal Operation) - Ian Colbeck
- From China's Great Wall to Hollywood's Great Spy-The Story of Military Smokes and Obscurants - Christopher A. Noble
Part V. Reviews
- A Brief History of Respiratory Deposition Modeling - Chiu-sen Wang
- Atmospheric Nanoparticles: Early Metrology and Observations (1875-1980) - Volker A. Mohnen and George M. Hidy
- History of the Flow Diffusion Chamber Development - Michael Anisimov
- History of Manufacture of Fine Particles in High-Temperature Aerosol Reactors - Sotiris E. Pratsinis
- History of Virtual Impactors - Virgil A. Marple and Bernard A. Olson
- Review of Particle Size Distribution Measurements of Engine Exhaust Before 1985 - Gilmore J. Sem, Oliver F. Bischof, and David B. Kittelson
- Trends in Airborne Concentrations of Total Suspended Particles, PM10, SO2 , and NO2, in Five Chinese Cities - Shen Tian, Cliff L. Davidson, and H. Keith Florig