Student Assistants
Student Assistant Program
Deadline: August 22, 2008
Applications are now being accepted for student assistants for the AAAR 2008 Annual Conference. Student assistants perform a variety of important tasks that ensure the smooth functioning of tutorials, platform and poster sessions, as well as numerous other activities.
Student Assistant positions are available for individuals interested in working at the 2008 AAAR Annual Meeting. Assistants perform a variety of important tasks that ensure the smooth functioning of workshops, platforms and poster sessions, as well as numerous activities.
Student assistants must work a minimum of four (4) sessions. They may attend two tutorials free of charge. All student assistants are required to attend an orientation meeting at the Rosen Shingle Creek the evening of Sunday, October 19, 2008.
To apply, download this form to your computer, complete it and return it to me as an attachment via e-mail. Or you may mail or fax it to AAAR. For more information, contact Deanna Bright, 856-642-4202, or email:
Student Travel Grants
There are a limited number of student travel grants available for this conference.
To apply, download this form to your computer, complete it and return it to me as an attachment via e-mail. Or you may mail or fax it to AAAR. For more information, contact Deanna Bright, 856-642-4202, or email: